Saturday 24 November. According to the hotel reception we should take the bus line 190. At the busstation it’s 180 on the other side of the road. Actually, we could have jumped on the bus almost next to the hotel, instead of walking 2,4 km. After an hour on the bus we arrive at the Marina Circuit. Control at gate 18 and climb the tribune at W03, seats D23 and D24, at the corners in front of Tribune West. First the free training of the Formula One. Good to see the cars and hear them. Then some fast fun cars, Aston Martin, McLaren, Mercedes and so on. Have a bite and the qualifying of the F1 starts. It’s fast and Hamilton has the fastest lap ever. Max ends at the sixth starting position. Very cool to see. We have the perfect spot with two turns after a long straight run. And behind this we see the turns just before the start and finish line. The Formula 2 race is spectaculair. A big crash at the start, a safety car and then the race really starts. All the action, taking over, is just in front of us. Wow. Tonight the concert is at the the Arena at Ferari World. Sam Smit is the singer and well it’s quite boring. Back the the hotel for a nice non-alcohol beer.
Sunday we take the bus directly to the Marina Circuit. Arrive in the morning and wander around. Inside the track promotion activities and entertainment. A band is performing at 40 degrees, while some Asians are covered in warm animal suits. Crazy. See new Aston Martins, formula cars, goodies and have a bite. On the tribune we see the first races. Formula 2, GP3 and fun cars again. We find some bean bags in the shade and relax. Today it’s 43C and it’s better not to move too much. In the afternoon the races continue and we’re very lucky to have seats all day in the shade. Apparently, actor Will Smit is doing the promotional talk, while riding with all drivers around the circuit on an open truck. A nice airshow to animate the audience. And then the race starts. First round everyone is still close together and in front of us, Hulkenberg is crashing. The stewards are fast on spot and extinct the fire. Hulkenberg gets out and luckily he is fine. In front of us several times drivers try to overtake at the corners. Cool to see. Tonight Gun and Roses are the main act at the Ferrari Arena. Very crowded, but cool show. Back to the hotel and this trip is to an end already.