Thursday 8 June. Leave the key in the basket and on the road. The 60 on Snaefellsnes is a unpaved road. Today is sunny, so we make some clouds of dust. The road follows the coastline and the views are amazing. Blue sea, green fields, white birds, falls, rough mountains with snowy tops, one or two farm houses and a blue sky with some clouds. Wow. Enjoying the bumpy road till Stykkishólmur, a small harbour with a fancy church. A paved road leads us further on the peninsula, unpaved through the lava fields for the last 5 kilometres to the most western point. Here more seagulls on the rocks, an orange lighthouse and a Fálki. The Fálki is basically a traditional hole in the ground to provide some shelter. Along the 574 Saxhóll is popular. A pile of loss black rocks with iron stairs leading to the top of the old crater. Again a perfect view. A bit windy, but with 10 C and sun much better than the last days. The Malarrífsviti light house watches over a malformed rock formation and the cliffs of Arnarstapi give shelter to more birds. More mountains, cliffs, falls and beautiful views to Akranes, where we stay. Iceland can be sunny.