Friday 2 June 2017. Today I take the plane to Iceland to make a road trip for a week. At five o’clock the train leaves and two hours later I’m at Schiphol Airport. On the station in Amersfoort a see my nephew Robert. Small world. Marien, HJ and Jeroen are already at the airport when I arrive and we can check in at Wow. We have to cross the whole airport to get to gate B23. At Tribune, near gate B17, we wait for at least half an hour the order and another 20 minutes before we have a burger. A sad example of poor service. But we were lucky, behind us people wait for half an hour to discover the kitchen is closed. Strangely they were not happy. After a three hour flight the temperature dropped from 28C at home to 8C in Reykjavik. At midnight it’s still light outside. The rental Duster brings us to an industrial area called the center of town. We made it.