Friday 24 February. Two days ago I took a bus and several planes to go to Ushuaia. This morning the last arrangements and at 16 h is the check in. Enjoying the view, a briefing, dinner, meeting people and to bed.
Saturday at 9 h breakfast, an introduction to birdwatching and how to make good pictures. Quite good weather, some following wandering albatross, petrels and other birds.
Sunday. In the middle of the night I wake up, sliding in me bed. The world is rocking. We’re in a storm on the Drake Passage. Waves till 11 m high and the tilt was most of the time 15 degree till 24 degree. Quite extreme. Impossible to walk straight. It looks like everyone is drunk. Luckily no seasickness. Like yesterday three lectures about whales, seals, glaciers, geography and procedures for landings and in the zodiacs. Good and funny. At 17 h we arrive at shallow waters near the islands of Antarctica. The waves are getting less high. The sea is flat, so we can enjoy our four course dinner on the Ocean Endeavour.

Hoi Jack, eindelijk tijd vrij gemaakt om je foto’s te bekijken. Ik waande me even in IJsland met al die ijsbergen en het blauwe ijs, maar toen kwamen de pinguïns! Geweldig die beesten en wat dichtbij!! Heel leuk. Geniet nog van de laatste dagen daar. Groet Toos Verbeek